No Complaints

Here’s how ROW80 has gone since Sunday:

  • Monday: Late entrance into ROW80; post took two days to complete; goals set, not attempted.
  • Tuesday: Type type type type type type type type type type…316 words.
  • Wednesday: Type type type type type type type type type type…323 words.
  • Thursday: Type…type…44 words; one word was XXX.
  • Friday: Type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type…551 words.
  • Saturday…Type…Play Poppit…type…Check email…type…type…Check Facebook…type…type…type…Play Poppit…Play Poppit…type…type…type…Check email…Check Facebook…Check email…Play Poppit…Check Glassboard…Play Poppit…type…, and so on…505 words.
  • Total: 1739 words / 5 days = 347.8 words per day

That’s not exactly what I set out to do–an average of 347.8 words per day isn’t the same as minimum of 300 words a day–but I’m not complaining. Having put in the promised five days and produced the promised 1500 words, I owe myself no more words until Tuesday.

Tomorrow, however, I owe Travis County an afternoon of jury duty. This is my third summons in four years. I don’t complain about that, either, though the summonses are beginning to seem redundant.

I do complain about being called down to the courthouse, where there is practically no parking, on a blazing summer day, when walking to the bus stop would turn me into an ambulatory puddle of sweat.

The first time, I took a taxi. The second time, David was on holiday and drove me. Tomorrow, he’s going to pick me up and drive me downtown on his lunch hour. He’s very kind and is also probably tired of hearing how standing outside waiting for a taxi–I don’t trust the cabbies to negotiate a certain turn–renders me a stationary puddle.

Anything more on this topic is premature. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll gather material for future posts or future fiction. But my goal is to end the day with nothing more remarkable than the weather to write about. I’ve served on juries before. Deciding the dispensation of other people’s lives and treasure, though a civic responsibility, is not something I relish.


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11 thoughts on “No Complaints

  1. Kathy! 1500 words is wonderful! You met your goal and the fact that you were flexible in the way you did it is perfect. You’re so much more likely to stick with something that works for you! And good luck with the jury duty. 🙂


    1. I owe all 1500 to you and your book launch. Something about your phrasing struck the right chord. Thank you!

      The trial was canceled three hours before I was to appear. A settlement, I assume. So good luck was spread all around.


    1. Playing is good. Especially games that don’t last too long. Otherwise, it’s very slow going. Well, sometimes it’s slow going without playing. Jury duty canceled. I hope TN doesn’t find you until the Fat Cat has been to at least three concerts.


  2. Hi, Kathy!  I like people who don’t complain.  Sounds like you are getting lots done and having a court adventure as well.  I have always wanted to serve on a jury.  Was petitioned last spring, but not a keeper.  Just as well.  I would have missed precious school days.  Have a hunch it had something to do with frequent trips to the bathroom.  Hey!  I drink a lot of water…and interupting the judge and procedings….ha ha…..Would have liked to serve if only to learn, maybe to do a civic duty, but mostly to collect more material to write about.  Perhaps I was found out.  Speaking of finding out..check out my blog.  A few new things are there.  -Heidi

    To write is to write is to write , 7/7/2013 11:59 PM: Kathy posted: “Here’s how ROW80 has gone since Sunday: Monday: Late entrance into ROW80; post took two days to complete; goals set, not attempted. Tuesday: Type type type type type type type type type type…316 words. Wednesday: Type type type type type type ty”


    1. You have known me long enough to know I complain about everything. On the blog I have poetic license. Regarding jury duty, everyone should have the experience of serving once, but you’re better off at school. I shall check out your blog asap. Would have done so before now if I weren’t distracted by everything I see on this monitor.


  3. Love all the “type type type” you accomplished. The more you write, the more you’ll write. Doesn’t it sound so simple? Hope Round 3 brings many more words your way.


    1. With such a simple rule, I wonder why it’s so difficult to just DO it? I have to remind myself every time I approach the keyboard that one word will lead to another. Good luck to you in Round 3 as well.


  4. Kathy, I am late, and I do not know how your story ended. It’s been silent for a while here, so….. anyhow, I am chuffed to bits that you have made the required 1500 words on target. Lovely to have them under your belt, so to speak.


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