The Eight Suggestions for 2013

"New Year suggestion" - NARA - 515064
“New Year suggestion” – NARA – 515064 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yesterday I said I would post my Seven Suggestions for 2013. Copying them, I found there were eight.

Here it is, the unalliterative but expanded version of The Eight Suggestions.
1) Finish the @%%&$@!% novel (aka either fall in love with it again or chuck it);
2) follow through on the Sacred Writing Time Pledge  ) to write one hour a day;
3) write a daily blog post, and if that becomes too difficult, reduce to three posts per week;
4) participate in at least one A Round of Words in 80 Days challenge, which is no problem for anyone who sets out suggestions and then blogs at least once a week;

5) fix up an office in the spare room;

6) go to bed before midnight so the rest of this list has a chance of being done;
7) keep a timesheet;
8) trim this list to #s 1, 2, and 5 if necessary; do some calculations and acknowledge that #s 1-6 won’t be a burden if the person doing them just gets up and DOES them.
For the first week of A Round of Words for 80 Days, I’ll focus on Suggestion #2.

9 thoughts on “The Eight Suggestions for 2013

  1. Keep those suggestions coming. Where’s the suggestion about the magic button? You know, the button you can push and a good fairy will do all that stuff for you. Especially whip up a really great Martha Stewartish writing studio with coordinated wallpaper and pictures.


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