Friday Fictioneers: Expectations

Friday Fictioneers Challenge: Write a 100-word story based on the photo.

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

Emma stopped and looked back. Blake stood at the window. When she waved, he drew the curtain.

At home, she waited, holding her phone. Sorry, he would say. I’ll come over.

She always said, Yes.

He would be hungry. She started for the kitchen.

The phone. “Emma? It’s Alan. From the office? I want—I mean—I’d really like it if—Would you have dinner with me?”

A request. From a man not presuming a Yes.


Smiling, she turned off the phone.

Things don’t always work out as you expected. Sometimes they work out better.


Friday Fictioneers is sponsored by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. To join in, visit her website.

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Image of from by Victoria via Pixabay.